Today was a different sort of Mother's Day for my family. Every other Mother's Day in my life has been completely full of joy. Not that today wasn't full of joy. It was, but it had some other emotions mixed in that I haven't associated with Mother's Day before. It has been two weeks and one day since Tonya died. Wow... even to type that seems so wrong, unreal, unbelievable, and the list could go on describing how my mind just can't seem to wrap around this tragedy. Yet, no matter how unreal it seems to me, it is indeed real. And still Mother's Day happened...
My Mother's Day started out with a very excited Adele presenting my gifts to me. She gave me the wii game Just Dance. Sorry, no pictures of that... to protect the innocent.

I must admit that Jason beat us all with his dancing... I am not sure whether to be proud or worried? I also received a roll of paper towels (no laughing), a Sham Wow, and one of those wash clothes that is in a heart shape and when you add water it expands. Explanation - Adele has this tradition of going to the Dollar Tree and picking out gifts for us. It is quite interesting. Oh, I also got 24 cans of diet mountain dew...
This Mother's Day my mom went to church with us. Dan, my pastor included Tonya in his sermon today. His topic was Biblical Womanhood and what the Bible has to say about that. The Bible teaches us in 1 Timothy that women should be modestly dressed, pursue godliness, and do good works. Dan taught us about these qualities and then shared with our congregation the way that Tonya possessed them. Was Tonya a saint... well technically yes but, not in the slang sense that she was "perfect". Believe me I grew up with her, she wasn't perfect:) Tonya was a godly woman that pursued holiness, did good works and is now receiving her reward. Praise the Lord! It was truly a blessing to hear how her life reflected our creator today on Mother's Day.
Then Jason, Adele, my mom, and I all came to our house to eat lunch, cooked by none other than yours truly. Normally we eat at my mom's house for EVERY occasion but, we felt that this year we might need to do something a little different. I also made a carrot cake as one of her gifts, with extra icing. Then she opened her presents, which all centered around a garden area that she is creating to remember Tonya. They both shared a love for flowers and butterflies.
Our day ended with a trip to my sister's grave. I know that sounds sad and it was but, there were happy moments too. We released balloons and watched them float to heaven. We brought her flowers. Dylan and Adele took such care that the flowers were arranged just perfectly on her grave. The kids ran around, raced each other (and Jason), and played. Just what a 9 year old and 8 year old should do. I am thankful for God's grace and mercy on them.
That about sums it up. Honestly, I am not sure how to end this post... I have thought and thought but nothing seems quite right. So I'm ending with this.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11