Adele turns 6 tomorrow and I thought it would be appropriate since I just started this blog to share the story of how she came to be..... the story begins far before September 13th, 2001 which is the day we found out I was pregnant. We started trying to get pregnant about 16 months before that. We had been trying for about 6 months when my doctor put me on clomid, a fertility drug. So for the next year I made several visits a month to the dr. for blood tests, a pregnancy test and check up. Each time with a negative pregnancy test and an even more negative attitude (it is hard to be so honest about yourself and your actions). During this time my best friend, Tess had gotten pregnant. Honestly, this was also very hard for me and it put a strain on our relationship because I wasn't at a place that I could enjoy it with her. After about 12 months of trying my dr. told me that he wanted to do surgery to find out why I wasn't getting pregnant. And so he did and it was concluded that I have endometriosis. So during the surgery they "got rid" of the endometriosis that was growing to improve my chances of getting pregnant. During this time I wasn't really trusting God for his will and his timing in my life. I was focused on WHY God, all these other people are pregnant, even people who don't want to be pregnant. I just didn't understand.
My dr. had said that we would try for 3 months to get pregnant after the surgery and if I still wasn't pregnant after that he would want to do "artificial insemination". So, the first month after surgery I still wasn't pregnant and I was sitting in the exam room waiting for him to come back in and I just let go and completely surrendered to God. My prayer to God that day was that I wanted his will and his timing. A few minutes later the dr. came in and asked if I wanted to go ahead with the insemination even though it was only the first month of trying after the surgery not the third. Of course I said yes. So, on August 31st, 2001, I had the artificial insemination (for those of you who do quick math you have already figured out I got pregnant that month). But let me back up a little. I had been reading in James where it talks about having the elders of your church pray for you and I told Jason that was something I wanted to do. Up until this point we had shared that we were trying to get pregnant with only a few people. So, we went to our deacons and they prayed over us. I will never forget sitting in that room while those men laid hands on me and prayed for God's will and also asked God to "breathe life into me". Even now as I am typing tears have come into my eyes. That was the first day of my pregnancy. I think that is so amazing. But that isn't all. I mentioned earlier that my best friend, Tess had gotten pregnant early on in the story and how it was a strain on our friendship because I was having a hard time . Well, during this time she was so patient with me and constantly prayed for me. A true testimony of what the bible says a friend should be. Well....isn't this just like God, Adele was born on Tess's birthday! Yup, they share the birthday of May 3oth (not the same year of course). I felt like that was God saying to me that he was going to restore my friendship with her and that this "season" in our friendship had been for his purpose and glory. Ok, I have one more thing that God did to show me that this was HIS timing, literally. My best friend Tess is also a labor and delivery nurse and so she has a watch that she uses to know the "exact" time babies are born ( it is set with some clock somewhere or something like that) and on our wedding day she gave us a napkin where she had written "pronounced husband and wife at 2:41 pm". Well, a couple of months after Adele's birth I found that napkin and I was floored because Adele had also been born also at 2:41 pm. I know, WOW!
So, Adele Dawes Sessoms was born on Thursday, May 30th at 2:41 pm at Heritage Hospital in Tarboro. She weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz., was 22 inches long and had a head full of dark brown hair. Every inch of her was perfect!!! We were absolutely beside ourselves with joy and thankfulness.
I feel like God used all those things to say to me "I have a plan for you" just like in Jeremiah 29:11. I guess I could have just trusted in that from the beginning (but what fun would there have been in that?). I am so grateful to God for Adele and what he has shown me through her life already. I still don't know "why" God had me wait to conceive and go through that process. I do know that I wished I had behaved differently, I wished I had given God more glory during that time with my actions and totally trusted in him. I am grateful for that lesson and for my precious daughter. Did I mention that Adele turns 6 tomorrow and that my dearest friend Tess turns....29 (you're welcome Tess).
That Tess she must be pretty cool. Ha! I count it joy to be your friend and to share my birthday. Don't forget you found out you were pregnant on my husband's birthday. Just to complete the "circle".
And we were married on you parent's anniversary.
sorry, "your" not "you"
and to clarify, I was referring to us getting married on Tess' parent's anniversary
(Well Tess, you may have been the first to comment on my wife's blog, but I was the first to fluff a comment)
I was the third person to post on the blog!!! :o)
I'm the fourth! I love it!!! Ans yes, I cried as I read the story/testimony. You know me.
HELLO>>> Jason you got married the day after my parent's anniversary. But Adele was dedicated on my dad's birthday. Any more questions about dates???
Sorry Beth but do you care if i comment on your husband's comments?
No, I don't mind if you comment on Jason's mistakes..... keep him straight!
it is probably safer if I keep out of this
i have just gotten a chance to read your testimony. i have heard you tell it before but it was cool to read it again. i know that adele is a precious jewel and you are very proud of her. i love it when i get out of my van in the afternoons and i hear "MRS.JAMIE , MRS.JAMIE , MRS.JAMIE...." i can't wait to hear what she has to tell me. It makes me feel special that she wants to tell me something.
also, i think it is really cool that you are sharing your testimony on your blog. God will use your testimony for something special. you would be a good volunteer at the pregnancy center or someone in the world might stumble onto your blog that is going through that very thing right now and it could give them inspiration. GREAT JOB ! luv ya
thank you jamie for the encouragement. and adele loves you too very much. WHENEVER, she has something new (like the sand today from hawaii) one of the first things she always says is "i want to go show this to ms. jamie". so thank you for being so sweet to her and for loving her. love ya, beth
(this is adele)...
I was NOT 8lb 2oz....
I was 8lb 1.9oz
Love ya!
(this is adele)...
I was NOT 8lb 2oz.
I was 8lb 1.9oz.
(this is adele)...
I was NOT 8lb 2oz.
I was 8lb 1.9oz.
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