I was trying to think of what Adele might like to give the kids in her class as a Christmas present and I came across this recipe for Play Dough. I know, you are thinking why make your own play dough? We are just like that... we like to be "crafty". Anyway, it was really easy and fun to watch how the play dough changed in the microwave. Give it a try! I bet you have almost all the ingredients in your house already.
Play Dough
2 c. all-purpose flour
1 c. salt
2 T. cream of tartar
2 packages of Kool-Aid
2 c. water
2 T. baby oil (you can use cooking oil)

Mix together the flour, salt and cream of tartar in a bowl. In a separate bowl mix the water, baby oil and kool-aid. Then mix the 2 together in a microwave safe dish. Stir until well blended. Microwave on high for a total of 4 to 5 minutes stopping every 30 to 45 seconds to stir. Continue to microwave until a ball forms. After the play is cool enough to touch, you are ready to create!!!
*I just wanted to add to make sure you stir really well on the sides and bottom of your microwave dish because the play dough starts to form in those areas first and if you don't stir well it will get to hard. Also we halved the recipe and that made plenty.
Pictures of us making ours... doesn't it look like fun!!!
I do hope that you will try this with your kids. Like I said we are going to give the dry ingredients to Adele's friends in her class for Christmas (shh ... don't tell them) and hope that their parents aren't too upset with me! Ha Ha!