Friday, May 29, 2009


Well... it has been awhile since I posted last and boy has our garden been growing. I am sure for all of you out there who are garden savvy that you aren't surprised or even really impressed by this news. However for those of us garden newbies this is sheer excitement!

We have watched the sunflowers grow larger and larger almost everyday. It seems like each time we look out the kitchen window they have grown even taller. All the other veggies have grown quite nicely as well. We have had a few casualties (it took Jason a few days to learn to use the hoe) but for the most part our garden has been a great success.

For mother's day I received a potted herb garden and it has been fabulous. The herbs included basil, thyme, oregano, chives, cilantro, parsley and sage. Since mother's day we have added rosemary and a citronella plant (it really is suppose to rid off mosquitos). I have already used several of the herbs for cooking (recipe to follow shortly... OK well maybe not shortly).

Jason also started a compost pile. I don't really have a lot to say about that except... I save all the leftover scraps for it. I know you might be thinking WOW those Sessoms sure have gone green or healthy or something. Let me be the first to inform you that ALL of this growing and decomposing is because we are cheap not because we are trying to save the planet (although that is a nice plus).

It has been really interesting and quite honestly fascinating to watch our garden grow. It is not a lie when I tell you that we go outside every day to look and see what is new in the garden and it is also not a lie when I tell you that certain grown people in this house (who shall remain unnamed) have actually jumped up and down in excitement when the "veggies" started appearing.

So, it goes without saying that I think if you don't have a garden you should start one. It has honestly been a learning and bonding experience for our family. Isn't that precious...

Enjoy the pics!
And God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth."
And it was so. Genesis 1:11


Anonymous said...

Hey Beth. Long time no blog! :)

John LOVES to have a garden. The whole back yard where we have the bon fires used to be a garden. Yes, I did say the whole thing. He got busy and it got smaller and smaller, so now he just grows tomatoes and peppers in the flower bed at the back of the house.

I remember when Nicholas and Miranda were little how they used to love to "help" daddy in the garden and they would have me take pictures of them with what they had picked. I have this really cute picture of Nicholas holding a carrot he had planted, nurtured, and then picked. Great family memories.

It doesn't really matter if you're doing it because you are being green or if you are "cheap." You will all be closer for it and you will have more great memories. Love the pitures.

Anonymous said...

ugh! pictures...didn't proofread.

bethsessoms said...

Hey Robin! Glad to hear from you! We miss you guys! Congrats on your graduation.

Anonymous said...

Love the garden. We too have enjoyed watching it grow. The Powells

BoldLion said...

Love your garden! I am glad that you are doing it. I too do have a garden too. It is growing too. I need to get Tomatoes tree stand for it. They are getting big. I do have a lot of peppers too! Just Tomatoes and peppers. I didn't grow other kinds!

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

Its Me said...

LOVE IT! So glad it is working out for you guys. Ours is starting to grow too. Do you have any suggestions on ways to cook string beans???? We are growing string beans :)

Shannon said...

Hi Beth. I am so proud of you guys. I hope to one day garden. I will need a ton of guidance because I have no idea how to plant anything, or take care of them. Every plant we own, I kill it somehow. We just don't have the set up with a rental home. Hoping next year to attempt some tomatoes, etc. in pots. Hope you guys are having a great summer. We sure do miss you guys. Abigail has grown so much and just turned four. Our little man should be here in 3 wks (Aug. 26th) by c-section. Well, take care. Tell your family "hi". Hugs