Thursday, May 29, 2008

Adele the Theologian

Ok, so there is this "tween" show on Disney called "Wizards of Waverly Place" that Adele has been asking to watch.  For a while we have just been telling her no because we felt like the show of course wasn't something we wanted her to see.   Well, she has gone on and on about it so last night I suggested to her that she and her dad should watch it and decide whether or not it honored God.  So, today she comes to me and says, "I just cast a spell on you."  Great..... so I say to her THAT is why you can't watch that show because it influences you to behave ungodly.  So she says, (now this is the reason I am blogging)  "If God doesn't like us casting spells and wizards cast spells, then WHY did God create wizards?"  I know that she didn't come right out and ask "why is there sin" but I must say that I was impressed with her reasoning and "thinking it out". Obviously, I told her that was a good question and that she should ask her dad as soon as he gets home from work!


jamie said...

i am having a hard time with this posting on this sight. it will not except my password and then i have to lose what i wrote and do another application and type my comment again. do i have to put in a password everytime or is there a way around it? my comment was something like this. i let my girls watch that so. they know it is not real and the people are just characters playing a part that is fiction. when rachel asks me questions ( molly not so much) about things like that it gives me an opportunity for great conversation with her and explanation to talk about stuff. If adele had not watched that show you would not have had that opportunity and she would still be wanting to watch that show really bad. it reminds me of when alex was a toddler and i struggled over letting him play with toy guns ( i don't like guns). but i thought if i didn't let him be a boy and play with toy guns . when he grow older it might turn into a curiousity that would lead to something worse. so i let him play with toy guns and now he could care less about a gun. does that make since?

Anonymous said...

That is a great point Jamie. And yes, you will have to put in your password each time. It'll be alright.

Beth, I felt the same way with my children when it came to Harry Potter. I would not let them read the books - much less see the movies. But then someone told me basically what Jamie just said and I guess it got me to thinking. I told them I would watch it first to decide if it was alright or not. I fell in love with the books and the movies - they are great fiction. My kids know that they are fiction and we have talked about several things that have come up in the movies. As long as they know that it is not real, as long as they know the truth, then I don't see anything wrong with it.

Having said all that - it does really depend on their age and if they can truly distinguish between real and make-believe. AND whether or not you want them to pretending to be a witch. :o)

Anonymous said...

You go girl! That's what daddy is for...answering the tough questions! I went through it with my two it's Jason's turn! Love you guys...miss seeing you too.
John McGinnis

bethsessoms said...

He John, Thanks for commenting on the blog! We miss seeing you guys as well. Yes, Jason has his hands full with Adele, she is something! I hope we can see you guys soon, Beth