(if you click on the picture you can go to "bubble share" and view them larger.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Our family vacation
This year for our family vacation we went to Summer Winds. By our "family" I mean me, Jason, Adele, my mom, my step-dad, my sister, and her son Dylan (who is 6 weeks older than Adele). We had so much fun! We stayed out on the beach almost all day, everyday. I must say that Jason was out there with us EVERY morning (under his umbrella of course). One day we went to play putt-putt and ride the go carts and that was lots of fun. Then another day we went to Fort Macon and the beach there to look for shells. All in all it was a great vacation. The best yet I would say. So, I hope you enjoy the pics because we certainly enjoyed the vacation!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Like father, like daughter
If you have ever seen my husband, Jason play music and sing anywhere then you have probably noticed that he likes to make what I like to lovingly call "funny faces" while he is singing. Of course, not for the purpose of making funny faces but that just seems to be what naturally happens when he sings and plays. I guess it must be from listening to so much James Taylor as a teenager! Anyway, on to the point of this post...... I guess Adele got the music gene from her dad. Take a look!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Stay Tuned.....
Well... if you have visited my blog in the last week you may have noticed that it has been lying dormant. We were at the beach all last week on our family vacation. We had so much fun! So, I apologize that there hasn't been much, well any, action lately. But, stay tuned because as soon as our house gets back to normal (and by normal I mean the HUGE mounds of clothing, beach towels, beach toys and etc. being gone) I will start posting. Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures of our vacation.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Lollipop, lollipop, Oh lolli, lollipop....
Adele's grandparents recently bought her and her cousin, Dylan a new pony. Her name is Lollipop! She is a large miniature pony. Just to clarify, for those of you that don't know (Jason) a pony is not a baby horse. A pony is actually a small breed of horse. Adele has been very excited about the new addition at "New Life Quarter Horses" but I think you can tell from the pictures that she is not the only one having a lot of fun (papa). Hope you enjoy the pictures!
(if you click on the picture you can go to "bubbleshare" and view them larger)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Train up a child........

Today Adele was in one of her I am almost grown moods and she was talking "smart" to Jason and I. So, we were "explaining" to her that she could either stop or be punished. She informed us that she really doesn't like us telling her what to do anymore and that she was tired of us "bossing" her around. So, calmly (ok, not calmly) I explained to her that the bible says to "train up a child". I asked her what she thought that meant. Adele said,, "It means for you to tell me what to do, but I just want to be free!" (as she dramatically threw her arms open wide) I explained to her that no one was really "free", not in the way she was talking about. Just when I thought I had said something really good, she said, "Birds are free". So (this is the funniest part) Jason said "Ok, when you start flying around the house, then we will stop telling you what to do." I guess that is where she gets it from? Let me add just for those of you who are wondering, the whole ordeal did end with....well let me just say she did end up getting "punished".
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Any Good Ideas? (or any ideas at all)
It seems like before the summer actually starts when spring is in the air I have all these dreams of the things Adele and I will do this summer. I make plans and then it gets HOT!!! So, this summer I really want our time to be fun and fun-filled........ of course not everyday! I really want to make the best of our time together over the next few months.... since she goes to "real" school next year (for those of you that don't already know, what I mean by "real" school is all day school. She just finished a 1/2 day kindergarten program).
So, here is my question. I was wondering if anyone has any good ideas (or any ideas at all) about any activities or crafts that would be fun? By activities I don't really mean anything that costs a lot of money. I mean activities like going to the children's museum (local) or going to City Lake with our friends for a picnic and to feed the ducks. Things that will really make some memories.
My second question is, who would like to join us? It is always more fun with friends.
Monday, June 2, 2008
"For the next person..."
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Great Gift Idea
OK, you know that my daughter and my best friend share a birthday. On Adele's birthday after we got home from the Marbles Museum we were playing outside with Tess and her kids (for those of you that don't know they live in our neighborhood). She said I have something for you at my house that I need to go get. When she came back she handed me a journal that had "Adele" written across the front. Tess said that for the last year she had been journaling about all the funny things Adele has said or done. It was so funny to read it all. We went to eat supper and cake at my mom's for Adele's birthday that night and we read it to everyone there. We laughed and laughed at all the things she has said over the past year. It was really a great way to end the celebration of her birth.
So, I just wanted to say "thanks" to my friend for the journal. It means so much to me and I will treasure it always. I also wanted to post about it because I thought it was such a great idea that someone else might want to do it for their friend or even a grandparent (they love stuff like that).
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