Today Adele was in one of her I am almost grown moods and she was talking "smart" to Jason and I. So, we were "explaining" to her that she could either stop or be punished. She informed us that she really doesn't like us telling her what to do anymore and that she was tired of us "bossing" her around. So, calmly (ok, not calmly) I explained to her that the bible says to "train up a child". I asked her what she thought that meant. Adele said,, "It means for you to tell me what to do, but I just want to be free!" (as she dramatically threw her arms open wide) I explained to her that no one was really "free", not in the way she was talking about. Just when I thought I had said something really good, she said, "Birds are free". So (this is the funniest part) Jason said "Ok, when you start flying around the house, then we will stop telling you what to do." I guess that is where she gets it from? Let me add just for those of you who are wondering, the whole ordeal did end with....well let me just say she did end up getting "punished".
Great respose by Jason. It sounds exactly like something I would say.
Whew!!! Do I remember those days...wait, I'm STILL HAVING THOSE DAYS!! It gets worse before it gets better. I was jsut telling Nicholas that this is so fnny, but if it was my child, I'm sure I wouldn't think so - just as I am sure you didn't. It's definitely one to remember. :o)
WOW.... already a teenager at the sweet age of 6! You may have your work cut out for you....
Oh Beth....I know it is coming with Abigail soon. I used to tell my parents when I was Adele's age "but I want to be the boss", and then my parents would have to tell me that when I get older and have children than I could be the boss. I think I drove my parents crazy at that age because I totally wanted independance. Hang in there girl and pray, pray, pray.
Alex's favorite phrase was "You're not the boss of me!"
I will say this about Adele's response- it is kind of creative that she thought of an animal that was "sort of" free. Great picture to accompany the post,too. I guess you can tell her that birds fly south for the winter, and that she's got 6 months to reconsider....
Thanks for my comments. It is scary at times being a parent. The only thing we can do is trust Jesus and pray. How do I get "Family and Friends" on my profile like you? LOL
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