Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Vacationing with the Powells

For 3 years now we have taken a vacation with our friends the Powells.  That would be Brandon, Tess, Aidan and Carly for those of you that don't know.  We really treasure this time together.  This year and last we stayed at Sea Spray near Fort Macon.  We got there on Thursday morning and stayed until Sunday.  We had lots of FUN!  Of course, we practically lived on the beach (sorry Jason) but we did some other things too like visited Fort Macon, stayed up late playing games and talking (the adults), played twister, did family (and friends) worship each night and lots more.  God has truly blessed us in our friendship with each other. We had a blast.  I look forward to next year already!  Enjoy the pictures and the video.

Carly and Adele learned how to do "flips" into the pool this year.  Carly was a quick learner and got it right from the start but it took Adele a few (OK several) tries but she finally got it!

A few pictures from our trip!


jamie said...

enjoyed the pictures.

i bet it was hard for the girls not to flip at the city pool.

wow, beth i didn't know you were that strong.

i think you better hide the picture of you children braking the law.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed our time together. Love the memories.

bethsessoms said...

Jamie, what did the kids do that was breaking the law... the dunes or flipping into the pool? We tried to just have a good time on our vacation and not be bothered by specific bedtimes, eating healthy or laws.

jamie said...

you are a trip. i was just kiddin'.

it is illegal to be on the dune.

Shannon said... the pics. I love how you guys had family worship while you were on vacation. Oh, by the way, Happy anniversary!!!